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What we believe

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Our Values


We are saved through Christ's righteousness, not our own. We want to proclaim faith alone through Christ weekly so believers can be molded to understand the Gospel better. We strive to be Christ-centered in everything we do, proclaiming and remembering Christ and His death, burial, and resurrection. (Matt. 11:28; 1 Cor. 2:2)



We are committed to the Word of God and the faithful preaching of the whole counsel of God, in season and out of season. (Acts 20:27; 2 Tim. 4:2)


Church as a ‘hospital’ for the People of God

Christ came not to call righteous, but sinners (Mark. 2:17). We want to be a place where we, as sinners are reminded of our need for the Physician, Jesus Christ. Christ serves His beloved people through the means of grace and the fellowship of believers.  



We welcome children wholeheartedly to our worship. We intentionally want to focus on children during our worship and preaching God’s Word. Sunday school would also be important to us. We believe it is good for the children to learn to worship with the whole congregation and listen to what God says to his people.


Caring and Hospitality

We want to commit to people, carry one another’s burdens, and visit people in their joys and

sufferings (Gal. 6:2; Rom. 13:9–10; Heb. 13:2; James 1:27).


Glorifying Christ Through Weakness

Christ’s power is made perfect in weakness. This is why we want to be a place where the sufferings and hardships of life are not avoided but embraced in Christ. (2 Cor. 1:3–7; 2. Cor. 12:9).


A Community Filled with Prayer

We want to be a community that in their words and deeds is seen as a community filled with prayer. Without God, we can do nothing. Thus, we pray (Ps. 127:1; Matt. 7.7-8; Fil. 4:6-7).



We are a Christian church plant that listens to what God has to say to us in his Word, the Bible. God's Word is at the core of everything we do, and in that Word is the Savior, Jesus Christ, revealed to the whole world. The three historic confessions of the universal Church of Christ are at the core of our congregation: the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Chalcedonian definition.



At the center of everything is taking the good news to the whole world for everyone to hear, because Jesus is the only way to the Father, and a man must be born again to be able to enter the kingdom of God. That is why we are an evangelical community.



The confession of faith of our local congregation is the three confessions written during the Reformation. These are Belgic ConfessionHeidelberg Catechism and Canons of Dordt.


It is important to mention that you do not have to agree with all points of the confession to be part of Immanuel. However, it does make it clear how we as a church plant understand the Bible as a whole.


We are also Presbyterian, because we believe that the accountability of the local church and its leadership should be extended beyond the local church itself within the denomination. We believe that the Bible teaches that the eldership operates on three levels: (1) Local church eldership (Acts 20:17-38), (2) Regional eldership (1 Tim. 4:14; Titus 1:5), (3) and Global eldership (Acts 15).

You can download the Finnish versions of the Reformed Confessions here:

Belgic confession (in progress) Canons of Dordt (in progress)

Westminsterin iso katekismus (työn alla)

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